Monday, July 25, 2011

week 1!

Hello Everyone!!
Sorry for the longer delay in posting. I was having a little trouble getting on here. Today marks 1 week that I have been here. The homesickness was pretty bad at first, but the last few days have been better. I've been finding a lot of encouragement from the Psalms. In chapel every morning they say the verse in English, so I am able to follow along. It is a good way to participate, since I don't understand the songs or sermon. Today was my second day in the hospital. I am getting better with my Bengali, they are helping to teach me some words. There are so many names to remember, I feel bad when I get them mixed up. The hospital consists of  the labor and delivery, maternity, childrens, and eye clinic. So far I have gotten to watch 3 c-sections in the operation theatre, today there were twins. They let me carry one back to the nursery, and in the hallway, all the relatives wanted to see the babies gender. Two little boys. One of the nurses showed me around again, I think I am able to find my way around now. It is a fairly small hospital. The cut/wrap the bandages and make cotton swabs used here, and then they steralize them. They let me make a few, but mine weren't quite as nice as theirs. After that I spent some time with the nursing students in the nursery. I went to one of their classes, it was mostly reading/recitation. They were studying infant illnesses, and it was good because I was able to recall what I learned about it too. It was all in Bengali, but the names are English based, so I knew what they topics were.

My family knows I'm not a big eater, and here they expect me to eat a lot. I am always being offered tea, fruit, or cookies. It's hard to be rude and refuse, so I'm never hungry! Every day I have rice, mango, fried papaya, fish, vegetables, and bread. At breakfast they give me toast, egg, and cereal. I know it's western food, and normally I would love to eat the local food all the time. But, sadly, I enjoy my eggs and cereal. I'm still adjusting to the difference here.

Every few days the Alberts take me to see something. So far we have gone to a historical site, that was very interesting to me. The fort was made of brick, and was partially covered with grass. Today we went to a golf course. It is part of a military base, so if I want to play, I must fill out a form. I don't think I will though, I would have a terrible time hitting the ball as far as it needs to go. I've really enjoyed the driveing. Once we are out of the main part of the city, you can see mud houses, haystacks, cows and goats lying by/ on the road, and lots of people walking. There are a lot of rickshaws, and autorickshaws. I love how all the big trucks have artwork painted on their tailgates. It's like an artshow driving down the road. I've been trying to get pictures, but with traffic moving it is difficult. Once I get back to the States, I'm going to have a hard time staying in my lane. ;)

Today I got my sari's and apron to work in. I think they will be tricky to learn to wear. But they have pockets, something I've been missing in the hospital. I am starting to really enjoy working there, so long as they don't make me start an IV! Jutica, one of the nurses was ordering me to start one, and I told her I didn't know how yet. She wants to teach me. I wonder if she thinks what kind of nurses they have in America if they can't even start IV's. I brought my little RN Notes book with me, and I am loving it. It has all the information I need/forget, and it has been so helpful.

If you would please keep praying for safety in the hospital and from getting any food/water bourne illness, I would so appreciate it. So far, so good. Also pray that I can continue to understand the people and finish adjusting to the time change. And for meaningful times reading the Bible. I realize just how close God is during these times, maybe more than I did at home. Love you all! Sarah

ps- If you want to get my emails, which probably have a little different stories, my email is Just let me know and I'll add you to the list! :)


  1. I was glad to discover a new post from you today. When you get home, Nathan and Ben offered to let you practice starting IV's on them. (JK!!!) Have someone take pictures of you in your new clothes!

  2. Love you Sarah! Praying for you lots!!
